
Understanding The Basics Of Electric Pulse Nerve Stimulation Therapy For Back Pain

Whether due to an injury or a medical condition, if you're struggling with chronic back pain, your doctor may have suggested considering nerve stimulation to help with your pain management. If you're not familiar with nerve stimulation therapy, there are a few things that you should know before you pursue this treatment for the first time. Here's a look at what you need to know.  What Is Nerve Stimulation? Nerve stimulation, properly known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is the process of stimulating nerves with the use of mild electrical pulses. Read More 

Stem Cells Might Be Used To Treat Knee Problems

One of the challenges of aging is that cartilage in one's knees can break down over time. This can cause knee pain and discomfort. Because of the issue of the breakdown of cartilage, stem cell researchers hope to create a treatment that allows for broken down cartilage to be replaced. Knee Problems Are Difficult to Treat The issue with knee injuries and degeneration is that most of the treatments have either been temporary or have required surgery. Read More 

Signs Your Child Has Bipolar Disorder

While you may not know it, children can have many of the same mental health disorders and issues that adults can have. This includes bipolar disorder. It is important that you know signs to to aware of for bipolar disorder in children, especially if you know of any family member having had this mental health issue. Learn some of the signs your child has bipolar disorder. Then, you can be sure you get your child the help they need if they are displaying bipolar symptoms. Read More 

Rehabilitation Of The Spine: Injuries And Corrective Approaches

The human spine is such a fragile thing. It can only take so much blunt force before it is damaged and renders a person unable to walk or move without crushing pain. Yet, in the same breath, the spine was designed to take shock and distribute each shock such that you barely feel it each time it happens. The disks in the spine cushion each vertebra and prevent pain signals from transferring to the nerves in your back each time you run, walk, jog, or swing your upper torso. Read More 

Signs Your Diabetic Parent May Require In-Home Care

As your parents grow older, they typically become less and less able to care for themselves. This is especially true of diabetic patients, who may require more careful lifestyle management and medications. If your parent suffers from diabetes, make sure you are on the lookout for these signs that they are no longer effectively caring for themselves and could benefit from in-home care. 1. They are not taking medications on-time and properly. Read More