Health Medical

Addressing Common Sexual Health Problems And Concerns

A person's sexual health and performance can be one of the main factors in determining their quality of life. Unfortunately, there can be a range of potential health and wellness problems that could negatively impact a person's ability to perform sexually. While this can be a stressful and embarrassing problem, it is possible for patients that are suffering from this problem to combat it. Consider Having Hormone Testing Done A common source of sexual performance problems can be due to changes in a person's hormone levels. Read More 

Caring For A Child With The Flu

Flu season is in full force, and children often suffer the full effects of this illness. Careful attention can help your child avoid some of the complications the flu can cause. Here is your guide to providing good care for your child as they overcome the flu.  1. Provide medications for symptoms The flu usually brings high fever, muscle aches and pains, fatigue, runny rose, cough, and headaches. Your child might not even feel like getting out of bed. Read More 

Four Dietary Adjustments To Make When You Have A Cold

Though scientists are constantly making breakthroughs when it comes to treating illnesses, there is still no cure for the common cold. However, this doesn't mean you have to suffer if you come down with a cold. Here are a few adjustments you can make to your diet to encourage healing and minimize the effects of your cold symptoms. 1. Increase Your Overall Liquid Consumption Hydration is always important, but it's even more imperative when you're suffering from a cold. Read More 

Understanding The Basics Of Electric Pulse Nerve Stimulation Therapy For Back Pain

Whether due to an injury or a medical condition, if you're struggling with chronic back pain, your doctor may have suggested considering nerve stimulation to help with your pain management. If you're not familiar with nerve stimulation therapy, there are a few things that you should know before you pursue this treatment for the first time. Here's a look at what you need to know.  What Is Nerve Stimulation? Nerve stimulation, properly known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is the process of stimulating nerves with the use of mild electrical pulses. Read More 

Stem Cells Might Be Used To Treat Knee Problems

One of the challenges of aging is that cartilage in one's knees can break down over time. This can cause knee pain and discomfort. Because of the issue of the breakdown of cartilage, stem cell researchers hope to create a treatment that allows for broken down cartilage to be replaced. Knee Problems Are Difficult to Treat The issue with knee injuries and degeneration is that most of the treatments have either been temporary or have required surgery. Read More