Health Medical

Keep Medical Cannabis Around For These Periodic Uses

Most people who get their medical cannabis card do so because they have one specific condition they want to use the cannabis to treat or manage. This is certainly a good approach, and medical cannabis is effective for managing quite a number of chronic conditions, from arthritis to glaucoma. However, you may also want to keep some medical cannabis handy so you can use it to treat these more acute, periodic problems when they arise. Read More 

How Your Doctor’s Office Can Help You Personalize Your Labor

No matter where you are in your pregnancy or how far along you've progressed, you may not have your labor and delivery plans finalized. Fortunately, your doctor can help you put together a plan that makes you feel as comfortable as possible while also keeping your baby safe. Do you want to learn more about keeping your labor and delivery safe but personal? These are some steps you can take. Read More 

Guide to Womens Health

According to the CDC, over 6 million people in the United States have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Those who have difficulty getting pregnant struggle with infertility, which is when they can't get pregnant after trying for at least one year. They are also considered infertile if they are at least 35 years old and can't get pregnant after six months of trying. Infertility can be heartbreaking for those who can't conceive. Read More 

Be Prepared For Outpatient Surgery

Make no mistake: any surgical operation is a serious medical procedure. However, the level of severity is not necessarily the same across the board. Toward the lesser involved side of the spectrum are outpatient, or same-day, procedures. Outpatient procedures tend to be shorter, come along with a shorter recovery window, and are often less invasive. However, they still require preparation on the part of the patient.  Here are some ways you can prepare for an outpatient surgical procedure. Read More 

PRP Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, And How They Can Work Together

PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy and stem cell therapy are often used separately, but when combined, they work well to promote tissue regeneration and relieve pain. PRP promotes general healing, and stem cells fill very specific needs. Though the therapies are different, they both manipulate cells to form a treatment. This article will break down the basics of the cells, how they are used for treatments, and how they can work together as a powerful form of therapy. Read More