Health Medical

How Can a Dementia Care Specialist Help in the Home?

If you are struggling with a loved one in the home who has dementia, then it may be time to contact a service that offers dementia care. This care can start in the home and it can then be supplied at a local nursing facility that specializes in memory disorders. There are a few essential things that the care specialists will do to assist you. Find out what they are. Read More 

How Echocardiograms Help In-Shape People Diagnose Heart Problems That Cause Shortness Of Breath

Staying in shape with exercise and a proper diet should provide a person with a strong level of cardiovascular health that keeps them healthy. However, there may be a chance that underlying heart issues trigger breathing troubles that may threaten a person's health and life. As a result, it is important to contact a heart health professional to get an echocardiogram as soon as possible. Shortness of Breath Can Be a Serious Issue Read More 

Understanding Some Aspects Of Your Post-Concusssion Neuro-Optometry Rehabilitation

If you have sustained a concussion, then you may still experience a number of ophthalmic or oculomotor symptoms. These symptoms are assessed and addressed by a professional in neurological optometry or ophthalmology. The professional will outline a possible concussion rehabilitation plan for you. Find out more about some of the things that will be a likely part of the plan. Modifications to Your Environment Individuals who have experienced concussions will often report a wide variety of oculomotor symptoms that include double vision, blurriness, disorientation, poor visual tracking, and dizziness. Read More 

Topics to Cover When You’re Evaluating Midwives

If you've recently become pregnant and are excited to partner with a midwife to help you through this journey, there are multiple ways of finding the right one. Your family doctor may be able to recommend a few midwives in the area, while you can also visit different websites to learn about their philosophies and what they offer. For many women, it's a good idea to talk to a few friends or family members who have recently used the services of a midwife. Read More 

Things Your Convenience Store Should Add To Its First-Aid Section

If you own a convenience store, then you probably often find yourself wondering which items are worth keeping on the shelves. You want to provide what customers are looking for, but space is limited. When it comes to your first-aid section, you of course know to include basics like bandages and painkillers. But here are some other medical basics that shoppers are sure to find handy. Hydrogen Peroxide There are a number of first-aid cleaning solutions out there, such as rubbing alcohol. Read More