Health Is Wealth

Preparing For Your Time At A Sleep Center

If you have been having trouble sleeping, your doctor will likely recommend undergoing a sleep study at a local sleep center. This can be a very educational experience. You will probably gain a lot of insight into what's going wrong with your sleep and what you can do about it. But how should you prepare for a night at the sleep center? Take a look. 1. Bring your normal pajamas. Read More 

Ketamine Infusion May Help With Chronic Pain

Most types of pain have a cause that can be identified and treated over time. However, some chronic pain has hard-to-identify triggers that may make it difficult for a person to figure out a care option that works for their needs. Therefore, it may be necessary to consider a treatment like ketamine infusion. Doing so may help a person achieve a pain-free life for months at a time. Chronic Pain May Be Tricky to Treat Read More 

Mold Remediation And Severity: When A Simple Job Is No Longer Simple

No matter where you live in the world, mold and mildew are constant companions. Even if you can't see the telltale stains, there can be environmental molds floating through the air, even in the desert, which can experience massive spikes in humidity during monsoon season. But when that mold gets out of hand, or when you have a bad health reaction to mold, you need to take stronger steps than just cleaning your home. Read More 

Why Wellness Visits Are So Important For Your Child

When your child reaches a certain age, you may not think that those wellness visits are important any longer, but this could not be further from the truth. Wellness visits are very important throughout your child's life. You should take your child to these visits, not just to keep up with your child's health, but to answer any questions you have about your child or your child's growth in both body and mind. Read More 

Diagnosed With Rheumatoid Arthritis? This Is Why You Must See A Specialist

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious condition that needs to be treated as such. If your doctor has diagnosed you with this condition or believes that you may have it due to your bloodwork, you need to spend some time with a specialist. Rheumatoid arthritis can and will get worse if you leave it untreated, so here's what you need to do and know. Rheumatologists Doctors who specialize in treating rheumatoid arthritis are called rheumatologists. Read More