Health Is Wealth

What You’ve Heard About ED May Not Be True

Erectile dysfunction is a bit of a sensitive topic, and as such, it is not a topic most people discuss openly — at least not that often. Since it is so rarely discussed, sometimes the information that gets tossed around about ED is not very accurate. For example, here are some statements that are commonly made about ED that aren't correct. #1: ED means you have low testosterone ED can be a symptom of low testosterone, but sometimes men have completely normal testosterone levels and still suffer from ED. Read More 

Nutritionist Services That Can Help With Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, then meeting with a nutritionist to talk through your goals and the foods you should be eating is a good start. However, these sort of talk sessions are not always enough to jump-start your weight loss routine. Many nutritionists also offer additional services, like those below, to help their clients lose weight more effectively. Pantry Clean-Outs You may have seen television shows on which the main character has their pantry cleaned out by a nutritionist. Read More 

What to Know Before You Enter a Cannabis Dispensary

With more and more states legalizing medical and recreational cannabis, you may be curious about trying it. However, you can only purchase medical and recreational cannabis from a licensed dispensary in your state. If you've never been to a dispensary before, you may have a lot of questions. If you would like to know more, keep reading. What Happens When You First Enter the Dispensary? Some dispensaries have small lobbies at the entrance. Read More 

Vaccines And Your Child’s Health

Thanks to vaccines, humans live longer and can prevent many diseases that once ran rampant. Smallpox, for example, was virtually wiped out thanks to vaccines, but there are still many diseases to prevent. If you would like to know more about vaccines and your child's health, keep reading. When Should You Start Asking About Vaccines? You may believe you have a few years before you need to worry about vaccinating your child. Read More 

Different Ways That Breast Cancer Can Be Treated

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is very scary. It is not uncommon for patients who are given this diagnosis to automatically fear they will need to have their breasts removed. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes breast cancer can be treated through minor surgery removing only a small area of cancerous cells and sometimes it can be treated with medications. These are some different ways that breast cancer can be treated. Read More